{ these are a few of my pug-favorite things… }

{ these are a few of my pug-favorite things… }

Mommy loves this blog called bahhumpug.com. Every time she reads it – or gets their email – she always smiles. Recently the fantabulous (mom’s word, not mine) artist that draws the pug created a montage of some of her pug’s (Sunny!) favorite things. They were all very cute…but some are more favorites for me…


1. Eating… well doesn’t that go without saying? I LOVE to eat… I don’t get to do it as often as I would like, but I am VERY excited when Mom says “Dinner”. I squeal, I run in circles, I do a little walking on my hind legs, and then I sit… if I don’t sit like a good girl then she won’t put the dish down for me…it’s most infuriating!

2. Napping… next to eating, napping is probably my favorite activity. I like to nap just like Sunny… upright on a pillow, on top of a pillow, in one of my beds with my chin on the side, in a human’s lap, beside mom or dad on the sofa… the possibilities are endless…why nap in just one position?!?

3. Stretching… I don’t know why my Dad finds this so funny…but he always laughs when I stretch, he seems to like when I alternate lifting my front paws… girls gotta stretch… and yawn… (everyone seems to be entertained by my yawning…I’m cute…what can I say?)

4. Scratching… Mom & Dad don’t let me scratch many things…but I just adore scratching the pillows, or my bed if I can get it to stand on it’s side… Mom always says it reminds her of a boxer and a speed bag…I don’t really know what that means, but I do enjoy making her giggle…

5. Squeezing… I like tight spaces…it feels safe & cozy…if mom leans forward even a little…sure…I’m going to squeeze on in there!

{ licking = laughter? }

{ licking = laughter? }

Grandma & Grandpa were over for dinner last night. Grandma was not feeling well or upset or something and went inside. I couldn’t believe when she said she wasn’t hungry and didn’t want any dinner…no dinner…I mean really?!? When mommy went inside to sort out the food I zipped in the door and went to find Grandma…she was lying on the sofa…so I promptly pounced on her and starting licking her face…and she started giggling & laughing. By the time I was done with her she came back outside for dinner and even had dessert. I guess licking = laughing.


{ plump pug }

{ plump pug }

Mom thought I seemed a tad plump when I came back from staying with the grandparents….well mostly she thought my neck looked a bit plump…so she’s been VERY stingy with the treats (which consist of things like cucumber, berries, & carrots) and we’ve been doing lots and lots of walking…and it’s been HOT outside…now she’s decided I’m looking a little skinny…well mostly my neck…ok Mom…make up your mind…I’m a lean, mean, running up the stairs pug machine…now give me treats!!!

I only weigh 15 lbs...how can I be plump??

{ pugs DON’T like rain }

{ pugs DON’T like rain }

Rain, Rain, Go Away!!

Boo…it has been raining so much – I haven’t even wanted to pee (well outside that is…after an hour long walk outside in the pouring rain I did manage to sneak in some business inside – Mom was NOT happy with me – I’m not quite sure what the big deal is…hadn’t done that in months) – I DO NOT LIKE THE RAIN – Mom puts a coat on me when it is raining a lot – I don’t like the coat – but I really don’t like the rain – so all I think about is when the walk is going to be done so I can get out of the rain and out of the stupid coat.

At least she doesn’t put me in boots when it rains like this poor pug (she saves those for when it is -30C).

Pugs don’t like the rain and that’s all there is to it!


{ treats! }

{ treats! }

We met a nice man who lives on our block while we were on our walk today. He had two dogs with him…and he gave me a treat!! He said it was dehydrated chicken. It was delicious!! Mom never gives me treat while we’re out walking.

Later when we were in the park and I was playing a fun game with Mom – and out of nowhere two big dogs came charging at me…I ran off with them – all the way through the park – and ended up in the street.  Mom was very upset with me – she didn’t talk to me or look at me for ages when we got home.

She usually whispers in my ear before I go to bed – telling me I’m a good dog, and a pretty dog, and she loves me. She told me she loves me but she didn’t say any of the other stuff…I must’ve been a bad dog…booo!

{ but I’m a big girl!! }

{ but I’m a big girl!! }

My mom saw this photo online recently. She says it is so cute it makes her want to buy me a soother or pacifier or whatever they’re called.

I mean REALLY!! I’m a big girl, I had my first birthday and everything. It seems so undignified…but maybe it’s yummy?

a pug & her pacifier

Hmmm…well I’ll keep you posted. Do any of you have one?