Author Archives: lulu

About lulu

I am Lulu, pug princess. My humans love me and tell me I'm a pretty girl. I love naps, walks, food, running up stairs, food, licking mom's feet + arms, food, licking dad's head (and nibbling on his elbow when he lets me), barking at squirrels and the neighbour's cat, napping in mom's lap, napping in my beds (I have three...I must be a princess!), chewing on the tags of my toys, scratching pillows, big stretches, chomping on elk antlers, and making mom giggle...

{ urban lounger }

{ urban lounger }

mama got me a new bed (I have many beds all over the house…pug’s gotta be comfy!)

it’s called an urban lounger


doesn’t that sound swanky? mama likes that it’s pretty…I can’t dig in this one…I’m still not quite sure how I feel about that but it is comfy!!

snort xo

{ get it! }

{ get it! }

when mama puts out my food she usually makes me wait until she says “get it”…



sometimes she even puts some on my paws to make sure I’m paying attention…I don’t like it!

say “get it”…SAY IT!!

I’m hungry Mama…snort!! xo

p.s. Mama feeds me coconut oil, pumpkin, and yummy Orijen