I’m a whole year old! Oh boy! Mom had a party for me & everything!
There were people cupcakes and a little star-shaped cake just for me:
They all had little pictures of me on it. Apparently they were made with edible ink printed on rice paper. They were tasty, but it was slightly strange eating little pictures of myself!
Mom made me wear this crazy pink bow:
I didn’t like it so I went to pout in my crate…hmph! But I do look pretty, huh?!?
All my favorite peeps were at the party, they drank champagne and ate cupcakes, gave me presents and mostly sat around staring at me all afternoon.
Dad took me into the backyard…and when I came back in all my guests had gone:
Where did everyone go??
Oooph…it was a long day…I was all pooped!
Who knew entertaining was such hard work?
Happy Birthday to me…Happy Birthday to me…Happy Birthday dear Lu-luuuuuuuuuuuuu!!
Happy Birthday to me!