Mommy loves this blog called Every time she reads it – or gets their email – she always smiles. Recently the fantabulous (mom’s word, not mine) artist that draws the pug created a montage of some of her pug’s (Sunny!) favorite things. They were all very cute…but some are more favorites for me…
1. Eating… well doesn’t that go without saying? I LOVE to eat… I don’t get to do it as often as I would like, but I am VERY excited when Mom says “Dinner”. I squeal, I run in circles, I do a little walking on my hind legs, and then I sit… if I don’t sit like a good girl then she won’t put the dish down for me…it’s most infuriating!
2. Napping… next to eating, napping is probably my favorite activity. I like to nap just like Sunny… upright on a pillow, on top of a pillow, in one of my beds with my chin on the side, in a human’s lap, beside mom or dad on the sofa… the possibilities are endless…why nap in just one position?!?
3. Stretching… I don’t know why my Dad finds this so funny…but he always laughs when I stretch, he seems to like when I alternate lifting my front paws… girls gotta stretch… and yawn… (everyone seems to be entertained by my yawning…I’m cute…what can I say?)
4. Scratching… Mom & Dad don’t let me scratch many things…but I just adore scratching the pillows, or my bed if I can get it to stand on it’s side… Mom always says it reminds her of a boxer and a speed bag…I don’t really know what that means, but I do enjoy making her giggle…
5. Squeezing… I like tight spaces…it feels safe & cozy…if mom leans forward even a little…sure…I’m going to squeeze on in there!