I had my first vet visit (that wasn’t a yearly check-up) today…and now I’m on medication. Mama says it makes me act a bit weird and papa says it makes me extra smooshie…snort!
Category Archives: pug princess
{ urban lounger }
mama got me a new bed (I have many beds all over the house…pug’s gotta be comfy!)
it’s called an urban lounger
doesn’t that sound swanky? mama likes that it’s pretty…I can’t dig in this one…I’m still not quite sure how I feel about that but it is comfy!!
snort xo
{ birthday pug }
{ tutu }
{ let it rain, let it rain, let it…NO!! }
We got ABSOLUTELY doused the other day on our walk. Mama happened to be wearing a dress that was apparently VERY absorbent…she said it weighed about 5 lbs by the time we got home. Apparently this inspired her to get me new rain coat…we are not amused…
Papa says it’s very Grace Kelly…I don’t know what that means & I don’t care…get it off me!!…it’s HOT outside!!
{ the pug days of summer }
as long as I don’t have to do too much…I sure do like summer!
I get to hang out on comfy furniture in the backyard…people come to visit…and there are lots of squirrels and birds to bark at (mommy doesn’t like it when I bark at all the passing people, animals & airplanes)
mommy keeps telling people “Lulu Loves Lounging”
why, yes!! I do!! snort xo
{ pug princess + the pea }
I got a new bed! Isn’t it pretty? It’s very comfy and mommy says it’s stylish…paws up for the new bed…snort!
the bed is from http://www.petplay.com/ they have a cute pug named Momo – I hope we get to meet some day
snort xo
{ pug in a big black bow }
{ snowy spring }
{ licking = laughter? }
Grandma & Grandpa were over for dinner last night. Grandma was not feeling well or upset or something and went inside. I couldn’t believe when she said she wasn’t hungry and didn’t want any dinner…no dinner…I mean really?!? When mommy went inside to sort out the food I zipped in the door and went to find Grandma…she was lying on the sofa…so I promptly pounced on her and starting licking her face…and she started giggling & laughing. By the time I was done with her she came back outside for dinner and even had dessert. I guess licking = laughing.