
Here are some photos so you can catch up:

lulu @ 13 wks

teeny lulu puppy taking her first tentative steps into her new home…

you want me to go where???

Miss Lulu was not a fan of our slippery hardwood stairs for QUITE some time. She mastered going up for a few weeks before she could go down again. In her efforts to want to follow us everywhere, if we went downstairs into the basement, she’d run up the stairs and then be confused why we weren’t there. Apparently the stairs had some interesting Escher-like connectivity in her head…

About lulu

I am Lulu, pug princess. My humans love me and tell me I'm a pretty girl. I love naps, walks, food, running up stairs, food, licking mom's feet + arms, food, licking dad's head (and nibbling on his elbow when he lets me), barking at squirrels and the neighbour's cat, napping in mom's lap, napping in my beds (I have three...I must be a princess!), chewing on the tags of my toys, scratching pillows, big stretches, chomping on elk antlers, and making mom giggle...

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